Can't find what your looking for?
Check the Documents section of the website. This contains many reports and information on various subjects including Ride Rules and tips, our Code of Conduct, Northern Melbourne HOG History, etc.
Types of membership
Northern Melbourne HOG Membership
This is membership of Northern Melbourne HOG the local chapter of the Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) To be eligible for Northern Melbourne HOG membership you must also be a member of H.O.G.
H.O.G. (Harley Owners group) is a separate membership from Northern Melbourne HOG membership. When you purchase a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle you receive 12 months’ free membership of H.O.G. Of course you can also join H.O.G. at any time. Visit the H.O.G. website at http://www.members.hog.com to join or renew H.O.G. membership. You must maintain a current H.O.G. membership to be a member of any local chapter.
Full H.O.G. membership is for those who own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
Associate H.O.G. membership is for the pillion, family member or friend of a full member who does not own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. To be an associate member you need to be sponsored by a full member of H.O.G. Full members can sponsor as many associate members as they wish.
How do I join Northern Melbourne HOG?
Simply register online & make your payment. Once your membership is processed you will receive an Northern Melbourne HOG membership number and be eligible to receive all membership benefits.
If you need any further assistance, you can contact the Membership Officer by email at memberships@northernmelbournehog.com.au or by phone.
So what are you waiting for? Come and Join us!
When is it OK to wear chapter colours?
When is it OK to wear our colours? The answer is whenever you feel it’s appropriate. Official chapter rockers are supplied to new members or are available for purchase from our Merchandise Officer. These rockers are designed by H.O.G. specifically for its members and are instantly recognizable by the motorcycling community. When wearing the club “colours” act responsibly, and respect the fact that you are representing all the members of our organisation.